Muir Woods Marathon

Edition 2011

Muir Woods Marathon le 9 avril 2011 - San Francisco - Course à Pied - 43 km

Sport : Course à Pied
Date : Saturday 9 avril 2011
Lieu : San Francisco (122 - Etats-Unis, Amérique du Nord )
Distance : 43 kms
Dénivelé : 1000 m
Heure départ : 09:00:00
Temps limite : 06:00:00

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Enregistré par Le Loup - validé par eric41

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Muir Woods Marathon
Waiting at the Stinson Beach start line will be the only time you spend at sea level during this trail run. From the word "Go" you'll be heading, up, up and away into the thick wooded trails of Muir Woods. You'll follow the legendary Dipsea trail to Steep Ravine, where you'll climb a wooden ladder, march up natural rock and wooden staircases and scramble under tree trunks. Along the way, enjoy the sounds of babbling brooks and waterfalls. Drink in the fresh smell of the towering redwoods and oaks that surround you. Your summit will be rewarded with panoramic vistas as you begin your descent back into Stinson Beach. The event is limited to 300 participants so don't wait too long to register!

Site Web de la course :
Coordonnées organisateur :
E-mail organisateur :
Course limitée à : 300 coureurs
Remplaçant/assistant : Substitutions

Entry fees are non-transferable. Substitutions can be made on relay teams only for $25 per substitution. Please e-mail us at for special registration instructions for relay team member substitutions.
Matériel obligatoire/conseillé/fourni : Aid Stations are located miles 3 (water), 11 (food, water and sport drink), 17 (food, water and sport drink) and 20 (food, water and sport drink). We highly recommended that you carry water.
Retrait des dossards : Race Packets which contain your pre-assigned bib number and ENTRANT NEWSLETTER, will be mailed out to all paid participants beginning two weeks before the event. If you register within the last two weeks, a final mailing will be sent out the Tuesday prior to race day. If you don't receive your bib number by race day, you will be issued one race day morning. If you did not supply a valid mailing address when you registered, or if your mailing address has changed, please e-mail us at

Accès :,+Stinson+Beach,+CA+94970+(Stinson+Beach)&sll=37.898952,-122.640166&sspn=0.009059,0.013797&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=California+1,+Stinson+Beach,+California+94970&ll=37.896801,-122.639866&spn=0.075858,0.110378&z=13
Description du lieu : Stinson Beach Park
Highway 1
Stinson Beach, CA 94970
Lots/récompenses : T-shirt for all participants.

Personalized award ribbons to top three individual finishers, male and female, in each 5-year age group.
Services : Parking is available and plentiful at no cost in Stinson Beach Park.

Attention !!!

Il est recommandé de se renseigner auprès des organisateurs avant de se rendre au départ d'une course. Les erreurs et les changements de dernière minute sont rares, mais cela arrive. Kikouroù décline toute responsabilité en cas d'erreur.

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Résultat de 2 membres de Kikouroù

  • Le Loup : , 43 km (0 km/h) (position: -)
  • marioune : 03:47:20, 43.000 km (11.34 km/h) (position: -)

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